
Welcome to Q3SA, home of stoldark's Quake III Arena screenshot colletion. The purpose of this page is to provide a nice resource for gamers, developers, enthusiests and surfers alike. A resource of what, images? Well you see, if you take a look at some of the images, you'll see they are not your standard 'in game' screenshots. These images focus more on specific areas of the game. Most of them are taken very carefully at specific angles to capture the essence of the architecture of some of these levels. Others are taken precisely while a character is doing a certain pose. All the images here also serve to demonstrate how graphically stunning the game Quake III Arena really is. I will soon include a non id software section where users and mod makers may submit images of their upcoming mods or user made levels.

Most of the images you will find here have been taken by stoldark, however some are not. The one's taken by stoldark are clearly marked as being so, and the rest are ©Copyright their respective owners. You may not take, use, modify or link to these files in way shape or form without first contacting me, unless otherwise stated. I will then relay a message to the author and ask permission to hand out the file to the user requesting the image (I will give your e-mail). All images taken by stoldark are ©1999-2000 stoldark, and CAN be downloaded and used for personal purposes only (eg. desktop wallpaper, print it out to put into some kind of report on computer graphics, etc). The image may be edited and "optimized," however, you may not crop the image to remove the stoldark® trademark. Also, the use of these images for commercial purposes is forbidden, unless otherwise stated. Please contact stoldark through the contact section if you wish to use these files for commercial purposes (eg. marketing).

Best regards,

Q3SA Webmaster