
Contacting Stoldark:

This page is run and maintained by stoldark. If you need to contact me, I can be reached by e-mail at the following address:

I do have ICQ, but I do not use it all the time. Feel free to reach me that way as well, just mention a good reason in the authorization request, I have about 100+ people and I can't remember half of them. My UIN is: 10112533

I also have AIM, and am on quite frequently. Since stoldark was taken, I had to settle for kradlots. Run a buddy search for kradlots if you wish to add me to your AIM list.

If you wish to submit screenshots to the archive, PLEASE let me know before you send the image! Contact me through one of the above means. I do not like waiting for random downloads while checking my mail, I simply delete those messages. There are also some pre-requisites to submitting files which are as follows:

  • Images must be no larger than 300k (those are pretty big images, I think I'm being very lenient)
  • Please convert your TGA files into JPEG images! I won't accept any other file type other than JPEG (*.jpg,*.jpeg)
  • Images should be taken at your highest possible settings. I am very much p1mp1ing Quake III Arena with pretty screens, and ugly ones just don't stand out.
  • Images must be appealing to look at. I don't accept screenshots with gibs all over and someone running through with a quad, all the while a scoreboard is showing up in the foreground. Take time and put some effort into framing your shots!
  • Funny images are nice, and I plan on including a funny images archive as well, but for now, please keep those to yourselves :)


    Q3SA Webmaster